Welcome to the Franklin Aircraft Engines, Inc. website
If you want to modify your certified aircraft with a Franklin 220 HP or 180 HP… Franklin Aircraft Engines of Fort Collins, Colorado has been the Holder of several Supplemental Type Certificates (STC’s) for over 20 years that provide FAA approval to complete the modification.
STC’s are available for the following models:
Stinson 108-1, -2 & -3 Land (108-2 & -3 Seaplane)
Cessna 170A & 170B
Cessna 172, 172A thru 172P Land (172B thru 172P Seaplane)
Cessna 175, 175A thru 175C
Bellanca 14-13 (180 HP only)
Note: Stinson 108-3, Cessna 172B thru 172M, 175, 175A thru 175C and Beechcraft C35 & D35 approved for 250 HP using the
turbocharged 6AS-350-A series engine.
The STC’s contains FAA approved instructions and data that will allow you to modify your aircraft. Franklin Aircraft
Engines charges a fee to provide you the required permission to utilize an STC.
What does the FAA require when modifying your airplane using an STC?
FAA regulations and Policies regarding STC permission is clear.
If you elect to modify your aircraft using an STC, you must obtain written permission from the Holder of the STC and the
permission statement must be maintained as part of the permanent aircraft records.
The following are some excerpts from FAA documents:
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - Federal Aviation Administration
[Policy Statement Number ACE-00-23.561.01]
An STC cannot be used to modify an aircraft without the permission of the STC holder. Federal Aviation Administration
Notice 8110.69 dated June 30, 1997, requires the STC holder to provide the customer (installer or airplane owner) with a
signed permission statement that includes the following: (a) Product (aircraft, engine, propeller, or appliance) to be
altered, inducing serial number of the product; (b) The STC number; and (c) The person(s) who is being given consent to
use the STC. The permission statement needs to be maintained as part of the aircraft records. The requirement for this
permission statement originated in the Federal Aviation Authorization Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-264).
*This provision was put into law to try to stop the ``pirating'' of STC's.
9 U.S. Code § 44704 - (b) Supplemental Type Certificates.
(3) Requirement.— If the holder of a supplemental type certificate agrees to permit another person to use the
certificate to modify an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance, the holder shall provide the other person with
written evidence, in a form acceptable to the Administrator, of that agreement. A person may change an aircraft, aircraft
engine, propeller, or appliance based on a supplemental type certificate only if the person requesting the change is the
holder of the supplemental type certificate or has permission from the holder to make the change.
Advisory Circular AC 43-210 -
Approved data can be used to substantiate major alterations/repairs and can be derived from:
(2) STC data, if it specifically applies to the item being repaired/altered. NOTE: The Federal Aviation Reauthorization
Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-264), specifically section 403, STC, contains specific requirements concerning the use of STCs.
It requires that the installer obtain permission from the STC holder to use the STC.
Here’s an interesting article regarding permission from an STC Holder:
The lack of a simple and structured FAA procedure places a heavy burden on STC Holders to enforce compliance with FAA
Regulations and Policies regarding an installer obtaining permission from the STC Holder to use an STC. Outdated FAA
procedures provide no checks and balances to enforce their very own Regulations and Policies.
For certified aircraft owners considering upgrading their obsolete powerplants, Franklin Aircraft Engines, Inc. offers a First-Class solution for your Cessna 170, 172, 175 series and your Stinson 108 series aircraft.
For Experimental aircraft builders, the Franklin powerplant provides you with a reliable FAA certified solution at a much lower cost than any other comparable hp FAA certified engine and sometimes less than your "experimental" options.
Franklin Aircraft Engines, Inc. has developed several complete installation kits for Experimental aircraft and continues to do so to expand the applications for the Franklin engine. Take a close look inside here and you'll see why the pilots who fly behind a Franklin wouldn't choose any other alternative��Just ask them!
220 HP STC Approved !
Cessna 170, 172 & 175 Series
Stinson 108 Series
Float STC's
Substantial Climb & Cruise Increase
6 cylinder smoothness
Unmatched Horsepower and Torque
Constant Speed Propeller
Increased re-sale value
Alternator & Vacuum Pump Upgrade